Bethany Wilde

Sovereign Woman + Mother Wellness

Mama. Author. Women’s Work.

I am someone always wanting to come back to the roots of my humanity, the roots of wild womanhood, and living closer to the rhythms of the Earth. The preservation of instinctual ways is deeply close to my heart.

Having an autonomous pregnancy and birthing my first daughter outside the system in 2020 changed me as a woman and felt like the initiation into my power.

For years I was a womb-pelvic bodyworker and guide, then becoming a mother shifted my work. Today I focus on writing and crafting herbal elixirs for woman + mother wellness. You can check my Etsy shop here.

Thank you for being here.

Rooted Woman Podcast

Conversations on Sovereign + Instinctual Woman/Motherhood
Listen Here

I wrote my book after witnessing this again and again: our center as women lives within our pelvic space. Our feminine gifts lie in our receptivity, our magnetism, our alchemy.

In this book, I share about SO much – energetic and physical anatomy, history of sexual cultivation practices, transformations during motherhood, working with trauma and emotions, and many meditations and practices to find healing.