Womb Massage Workshop. Postpartum, Fertility, General Womb Healing + Connection…




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In my years working with women as a womb-bodyworker (both physical + energetic touch), I noticed how miraculous skilled touch was. But it wasn’t just what I was doing in these private healing sessions…

I taught every woman how to massage their own abdomens and wombs. And once they brought it into their routine at home, so many things shifted…

Painful periods were healed.
Digestive issues eased.
Major reproductive health imbalances shifted.
Women got pregnant.
They felt a deeper connection and reverence for their feminine self.
And so much more.


About This Workshop


In this workshop, I offer you the exact abdominal-pelvic massage routine that I used to teach women within private sessions. It is my foundational, #1 suggestion for women’s health.

It is so simple, yet so potent. Yes, you can TOTALLY intuitively massage, and I definitely encourage finding your own way. But many women find it helpful to have some kind of structure and routine to follow, as a foundation to guide them when they’re starting out.

Having these simple tools and knowledge allows you one more way to be sovereign in your life and in your self-healing. Even when visiting experienced practitioners, consistent care still needs to happen at home. That’s the center of your well-being, and that’s sovereignty.




This Workshop Is Ideal for Women Who…

  • Have painful, irregular periods
  • Experience digestive issues
  • Are going through womb-ovarian imbalances (endometriosis, fibroids, cysts, etc.)
  • Are wanting to conceive in optimal health
  • Are healing after birth with any general pelvic issue (for cesarean mamas, check out my scar tissue massage workshop instead)
  • Don’t have any imbalances + are simply seeking a deeper connection with their feminine center and desiring more vibrant health

This abdominal-womb-pelvic massage routine has so many benefits to the body, mind + spirit. It supports women who feel healthy and are seeking a deeper connection with their feminine center, and it also supports women who are going through womb imbalances (of course, along with other practices and support). Here are just some of the many times in life where this practice can support you…

  • On a physical level, this massage increases blood and lymph flow, and improves circulation and nerve connections.
  • Improves digestive flow
  • Can help regulate the menstrual cycle and ease painful periods by clearing congestion in the pelvic organs
  • Any work with the digestive system supports immune and lymphatic system functioning, which in turn affects whole-body health, which affects our mood
  • I have MANY women that attest to being happier, lighter, and more grounded after doing this massage.
  • Relieves physical tension and stress held in the abdominal and pelvic areas
  • Helps in the pre-conception time to encourage blood flow and circulation among reproductive organs and prepare the uterus to support a healthy pregnancy.
  • Supports normal postpartum healing and abdominal-pelvic organ re-alignment as well as strengthening + toning the uterus and its ligaments.
  • Helps to bring consciousness to a woman’s center, which is a key part of somatic sexual trauma healing and resolution
  • Supportive as part of a holistic healing picture with deeper womb imbalances such as endometriosis, fibroids, cysts, PCOS, etc.
  • Supportive as part of a holistic healing picture with birth injuries such as pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence.


Final Message


This workshop is also very affordable – while a private session with me may run $200, this workshop to learn my technique is a fraction of the cost – $55.

It is my deepest prayer that by bringing this practice (a combo of techniques I’ve learned from mentors as well as my own adaptations/intuitive techniques) online and making it affordable, it will reach and support more women than I can do alone in 1:1 sessions.

Once you purchase this, you will receive:

  • Womb Massage Workshop instructional video
  • Beautiful PDF with all information you need to integrate this practice into your life for vibrant health.

This is a practice that will serve you in all the seasons of your life, being a core part of your sovereign wellness toolkit.

**Note: This massage routine is safe and beneficial for most women, but for a select few, I don’t feel comfortable suggesting hands-on touch to this area. This includes women with pelvic mesh, an IUD, active pelvic infection, or a hernia. There are special modifications for pregnant and postpartum women, as well as during a woman’s bleeding time.